Wednesday 5 November 2014

Q & A Tag !


So today I am going to be doing a quick random Q&A as you don't really know a lot about us! Lets get started!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
My Phone, Money and A Cosy Jumper
2. Favorite brand of makeup?
Rimmel and Maybelline 
3. Favorite flower?
Rose ( Aha Rosie)

4. Favorite clothing store?

Newlook or Primark

5. Favorite perfume ?

Moment by One Direction, Shock by Calvin Klein or Heat by Beyonce 

6. Heels or flats?

Flats, with the heels on special occasions only :)

7. Do you get good grades?


8. Favorite colors?

Mint Green, Mint Green, Mint Green

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

No, I prefer coke or lemonade tbh :)

10. Do you drink juice?

Yes, Apple and Orange

11. Do you like swimming?

Yes, when I was younger that is what I wanted to do ... be a swimmer!

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?


13. Favorite moisturizer?

Soap and Glory Rightous butter (don't know how to spell it)
14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yes, I dream of having a huge house with a cinema :)
 15. Do you get mad easily?
It depends on the situation, like if I have to tidy my room!

16. Are you into ghost hunting?

NO, I don't believe in ghosts 

17. Any phobias?

Daddy long legs and snakes!

18. Do you bite your nails?

Yes, My nails are super short!

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

Well I was 10 weeks early when I was born so If you count that then yes.

20. Do you drink coffee?

NO, I prefer Hot Chocolate, with no cream and maybe small marshmellows!

Have a good day :)
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