Tuesday 2 September 2014

welcome back and whats coming up?


1. Sorry we havent really been using the blog, but from now on Rosie will be incharge of creating blog posts.
2. We have had huge success on 3 of our recent vidoes

So if you havent watched them, or want to watch them again, click on the videos now! or click here to go and check out all of our videos...  plugging done!

So recently, well about 1 and a half months ago, we didnt post many videos, and this is because of school tests and Amy taking time out of Youtube....  
But now we are back up and running and are trying to create a schedule, posting on a sunday and if we have any chatty videos or vlogs, which we have got a holiday one coming up, then they will be midweek. Ofcorse sometimes we may need to come off the routine due to reasons.

We have some video ideas :
- Holiday vlogs!!!
- whats in OUR schoolbags 
- holiday hauls.

Thank you for reading this blogpost and please come ad check this space soon!

Twitter - @beautygeeks7
Instagram - @beautygeeks7
Youtube - Please click now! if this hasnt worked click the link below
